OCONUS lodging expenses are reimbursed using Per Diem (Travel Allowances). OCONUS lodging charged on a PCARD will be marked deduct from reimbursement and will be subtracted from the cash reimbursement which includes the per diem for lodging. If the OCONUS PCARD lodging amount exceeds the cash reimbursement in the report it will result in a deduction from the traveler's paycheck.
To assign a PCARD lodging transaction to the expense report:
- Click the Import button in the Expense list of the report.
- The Available Expenses list will open on the right side of the screen.
- Select the checkbox to the left of the appropriate transaction(s) and click Import which will move the selected transaction(s) to the Expense list.
- Transaction will import with the Expense Type of Hotel/Motel (Itemization required).
- Click on the Expense to open it for editing on the right side of the screen.
- Change expense type to Hotel/Motel (no itemization) and check the checkbox for Deduct from Reimbursement.
- Click Save.