Sap Concur Alerts

2018-04-25 SAP Concur Currently Unavailable

Alert Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Alert Status: Resolved

SAP Concur is currently experiencing technical difficulties and is unavailable.  The vendor is working to resolve the issues as quickly as possible but cannot provide us with an ETA for resolution.

Updates will be provided when available.

2018-04-17 Accounts missing in SAP Concur

Alert Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Alert Status: Resolved

It has been brought to our attention that accounts are missing from SAP Concur.  We have identified a recent account code file import that experienced technical issues resulting in some accounts dropping out of the import process.

We are working with Concur to successfully import a current account file to update the system as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue

2018-01-18 -- Missing PCARD Transactions

Alert Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Alert Status: Resolved

SAP Concur has not received the most recent PCARD transactions from PNC and you may not have access to transactions incurred on or after January 10, 2018. 

We are working with PNC Bank to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and will issue an update when the files have been delivered to SAP Concur.

2017-12-18 -- PCARD Expenses Missing in Concur

Alert Date: Monday, December 18, 2017
Alert Status: Resolved

SAP Concur is experiencing an issue involving PCARD expenses being available in PCARD holders’ profiles. We are working with PNC and Concur to resolve the issue.

2017-12-14 -- 2018 Standard Mileage Rate 54.5 cents

Alert Date: Thursday, December 14, 2017
Alert Status: Resolved

The Internal Revenue Service announced today that the 2018 Personal Mileage Reimbursement Rate will be raised to  54.5 cents per mile, an increase of 1 cent from the rate for 2017.

The Employee Reimbursement System has been updated with the new rate and effective date.  All expenses for personal mileage with travel dates on or after January 1, 2018 will be automatically calculated in SAP Concurusing the new rate.